A Hot Montana Summer Page 9
“Good. Can you help me take these off?” She carefully climbed over his body to slide her fingers beneath the waistband of his pants.
Jamie complied by lifting his hips, and helping her push the fabric down. He’d forgotten he was going commando until she gasped softly, and the cool air wafted across his erection.
“Oh, Jamie,” she whispered, and she stroked one fingertip along the ridge of his scar, where it curved downward and ended just above his groin.
“I got very, very lucky,” he said. “I don’t think I appreciated just how lucky, until right now.” He took her hand and moved it to where he ached for her touch, and she complied, trailing her fingers oh-so-lightly along his length.
“You are so beautiful.”
The awe in her voice, and her light touch caused his flesh to swell even more, and Jamie let his head fall back against the blankets as he struggled to breathe. She pulled the pants free of his legs, and he lifted his head to watch as she stripped her shirt off, and then reached behind her back to release her bra.
When the scrap of material fell away, Jamie sucked his breath in at the sight of the most perfect breasts he’d ever seen. Then she was unbuttoning her jeans and pushing them down over her hips and thighs, until finally, she wore nothing but a scrap of navy silk. Only then, when she saw him staring at her, did she look self-conscious. He could almost see her battling with the desire to cover herself, before she tipped her chin up and then came over him on her hands and knees, taking care to avoid his injured leg. Her breasts were right there, and it was all he could do not to haul her upward so he could bury his face between them.
She braced her hands on either side of his head and looked at him. Her hair curtained their faces, and Jamie resisted the urge to fist his hands in the luxurious mass and pull her down for his kiss. He sensed this needed to be done on her terms, so he remained still, while every cell in his body leaned forward, toward her.
“This is insane,” she murmured softly, and ran the back of her finger along his jaw.
“Totally nuts,” he agreed.
“I blame you.” She drew her finger across his mouth, and down over his chin. “I blame your mouth, and the way you kiss, and that deep, sexy voice.”
Jamie gave a huff of laughter. “I accept full responsibility, sweetheart. Just don’t make me wait any longer. Kiss me.”
To his relief, Rachel lowered her head and slanted her lips across his, feasting on his mouth as if she couldn’t get enough. With a groan, Jamie slid his hands to her hips and then let them roam over her back, reveling in the satiny softness of her skin. Breaking the kiss, Rachel sat upright across his hips, and brought both his hands up to cover her breasts.
Jamie couldn’t prevent his deep hum of pleasure and approval as he cupped and kneaded the pliant flesh. Her breasts were full and heavy in his hands, and when she arched her back, pushing them into his palms, he complied by squeezing them and then gently rolling her nipples between his fingers. Rachel covered his hands, encouraging him in his exploration.
Bending his head, he drew one tight nipple into his mouth and sucked on the small bud until she gasped and pushed his head away.
“It’s too much.”
“You feel so good,” Jamie said. He loved the sight of her, nearly naked and straddling his hips. His hands were dark against the pale skin of her breasts. He could easily watch her all night. But when she shifted her weight to ride the rigid length of his cock, he didn’t think he’d last very long. He could feel her heat and moisture, and the combination was almost more than he could stand.
“Here,” he said, and shifted her slightly, sliding one finger inside the elastic of her insubstantial panties. “Take these off.”
Rachel stared at him, and then attempted to pull the panties down without disturbing his leg. Jamie took the fragile material in his hands and ripped, and the panties came apart in his fingers, leaving Rachel completely naked.
“Sweet mercy,” Jamie breathed, as Rachel gave him a sexy smile, and took him in her hand.
“Doing okay?” she asked softly, still smiling. Her hand slid over his length, and she smoothed her fingertips across the engorged head where a drop of moisture glistened.
Just seeing the dark triangle of hair above her cleft, and a hint of the soft folds hidden beneath was enough to push Jamie to the very brink. His balls ached, and he gritted his teeth, praying for the strength not to come before he was actually inside her.
“Baby,” he groaned, “you are killing me.”
Rachel laughed, and lowered herself so her breasts pressed against his chest. She kissed him sweetly, fusing her mouth against his.
“What is it you need?” she asked in his ear, and then traced her tongue across his jaw.
“You,” he said against her lips. “Just you. Around me, surrounding me. Now.”
“Do you have protection?”
For a moment, Jamie couldn’t think clearly. Then her words sunk into his lust-sodden brain. “Yeah, in the pocket of my pants.”
Rachel smiled against his mouth, and her teeth scraped lightly against his. “Pretty sure of yourself, huh?”
“Just hopeful,” he corrected her.
He closed his eyes briefly, and focused on his breathing as she leaned to the side and reached down for his discarded sweatpants. Fishing in the pockets, she retrieved the sleeve of condoms he’d stashed there on his way out the door.
“Three!” she exclaimed. “I don’t know whether to be flattered, or impressed.”
“With you, three won’t be enough,” he managed to say.
Rachel tore one packet free and opened it with her teeth. Jamie didn’t think he’d ever seen anything as erotic as the sight of her rolling the latex over his penis, and the sensation of her hands gripping him firmly made him clench his teeth together.
“You don’t have to do anything,” Rachel said. “I don’t want to risk hurting you.”
“You won’t,” he assured her, his voice rough.
And then finally, she was easing herself over him, gasping lightly as she slid down his length. Jamie had to clench his back teeth hard as her slick heat gripped him, and then she was fully seated on him, her hands braced on his chest.
Jamie didn’t think he’d ever experienced anything as incredible as Rachel surrounding him, and then she began to move. Her hair spilled over her shoulders and her beautiful breasts bounced gently with each movement. Jamie groaned loudly. He gripped her hips, but whether to slow her down or urge her on, he couldn’t say.
He looked up and saw she was watching him with an expression of intense arousal on her face. He thrust upward and she gave a small exhalation, and then bent forward, her hair draping around his face. Jamie cupped her face and drew her down and kissed her deeply, absorbing the taste, the feel, the sound of her.
Her inner muscles clenched around him, and he wasn’t going to last. Dragging his mouth from hers, he made a guttural sound of pleasure. He was so damned close, but he didn’t want to come without her.
“Sit up, baby,” he said, his voice a harsh rasp.
Rachel complied, straightening, and then arched backward, slowly grinding her hips against his as her breasts thrust forward. She was achingly feminine, and Jamie didn’t think he’d ever seen a woman as sexy or beautiful as Rachel McCafferty, riding his cock.
Jamie devoured the sight, but it only served to ratchet his lust higher. Reaching down, he pressed his thumb against the apex of her slick folds, feeling the hardened little nub beneath his finger. Rachel’s face twisted, and she gave a broken cry of pleasure. She contracted around his length, again and again, and he watched her expression as she found her release, before he finally let himself go. He came in a white-hot rush, surging upward as he gripped her hips, pulsing deeply inside her until he was completely spent.
Rachel collapsed against his chest, and for a long time there was only the sound of their uneven breathing. After a few minutes, he withdrew carefully, and Rache
l lay down beside him and put her head on his shoulder. She traced an invisible pattern across his torso with her fingertips.
“Was that good?” she finally asked.
Jamie angled his head to look at her in disbelief. He’d just had the most amazing, mind-blowing experience of his life, and she was asking if it had been good?
With a huff of laughter, he pulled her close and pressed his mouth against her hair.
“Sweetheart,” he finally said, “if that had been any better, I’d be dead.” He had a sudden, alarming thought. “Please tell me it was good for you, too.”
Rachel started to laugh, and buried her face against his chest. When she looked at him, a smile curved her lips. “Are you kidding? I can’t believe that’s what I’ve been missing all these years.”
Jamie sagged against the pillows in relief, even as he swelled with pride. He—skinny little Jamie Colter—had just made love to the girl he’d dreamed of for more than twelve years. Life couldn’t get any better.
Chapter Ten
Rachel didn’t know how to tell Jamie that having sex with him had been a huge—scratch that, colossal—mistake.
All three times.
Closing her eyes, she groaned. What had she been thinking? The truth was, she hadn’t been thinking. She’d had too much to drink. She could blame the wine, the firelight, and Jamie’s proximity on the chaise as the reasons why her good sense had taken a vacation, leaving her with no ability to resist him.
But she’d be lying to herself.
Last night, she had wanted him.
But now, standing on the patio in the cool dampness of early morning with the acrid smell of ashes from last night’s fire lingering in the air, it all seemed like a giant lapse in judgment. She’d come home to Glacier Creek to gain some perspective on her life—and on men in general. Jumping into the sack with the first good-looking guy who crossed her path was so not part of the plan!
But he was so unbelievably gorgeous!
And funny. And smart. And kind.
And hot.
Surely a woman could be forgiven for succumbing to the kind of temptation that was Jamie Colter. Rachel didn’t know whether to despise herself for her lack of willpower, or fist-pump the air because she could still attract a good-looking, younger guy.
Oh, God, he was so much younger!
She definitely despised herself.
She obviously had no morals, and no discrimination, or she would never have allowed what was supposed to be a business relationship cross over the line into intimacy.
She was an idiot.
“Hey, what are you doing out here? I woke up to find you gone, and I had plans for you this morning.”
Rachel turned to see Jamie standing just inside the sliding doors to the kitchen. At least he’d put his clothes on. She didn’t think she could focus if he’d been bare-chested.
Ignoring the suggestion in his voice, she drew in a deep breath. “Jamie, we need to talk.”
His face grew still. “Ah, here it comes. The little speech about last night being a mistake.”
Rachel frowned. Was she that transparent?
“You have to know it was a mistake,” she said, and pushed past him into the kitchen. She rinsed her cup in the sink—anything to avoid having to face him. “Last night was fun, but it can’t happen again.”
She didn’t hear him come up behind her, and when she turned around he was right there. He crowded her against the counter, his expression intent.
“You’re wrong,” he said softly. “If anything, last night just confirms what I’ve suspected all along.”
Looking into his eyes, Rachel was left breathless at what she saw reflected there. “What’s that?”
“You and I are perfect together.”
She tried to protest, but hitching his crutches more firmly beneath his arms, he cupped her face and kissed her, long and slow, until Rachel sighed softly into his mouth and leaned in to him. When he finally lifted his head, his blue eyes gleamed with satisfaction.
“Don’t try to tell me that was a mistake,” he murmured.
Rachel tried to clear the fog of desire that was quickly enveloping her. “Jamie,” she persisted, and put her hands against his chest as if that might keep him away. “This isn’t going to work. Yes, the chemistry is great, but I’m not the right woman for you.”
Jamie gave her a tolerant look. “Please don’t say it’s the age difference.”
“I wasn’t, actually, but it’s something you have to consider,” she countered. “I’m thirty-three. Let’s face it, the window on settling down and starting a family is closing.”
Jamie looked at her then, and one eyebrow went up. When he spoke, his tone was dry. “I don’t recall asking you to marry me.”
For just an instant, Rachel was too surprised to reply. Then she gave him a small shove, forcing him to step back. She slid out from between him and the counter and moved to the opposite side of the kitchen, putting the island between them.
“You’re still my client.”
“Technically, my parents are your clients,” Jamie said. “I’m not paying you anything, so don’t even try to use that angle. We’re both adults. We can do whatever we want.”
“So you’re proposing a relationship based on sex?” she asked. She wanted to sound outraged, indignant, but knew her voice sounded more curious than anything else.
“We can start with that, if it makes you feel better.”
“How is that supposed to make me feel better?”
Jamie grinned, unabashed. “Well, you said yourself the chemistry between us is great. I figure we can at least enjoy each other’s company, and you don’t have to feel any pressure that there’s more to it than mutual pleasure.” He shrugged. “If either one of us decides it isn’t working, then we can go our separate ways as friends. No hard feelings.”
Rachel narrowed her eyes at him, trying to decide if he was being sincere. His logic was incredibly tempting. She did enjoy his company, and the sex was off-the-charts incredible. Did she want a repeat of last night?
More than anything.
But Glacier Creek was a small town, and if word got out that they were hooking up, people would talk. Rachel didn’t know if she could handle that. She’d been legally divorced for less than a week. She loved being with Jamie, but she wasn’t naïve enough to think their relationship would last.
“What about you?” she finally asked.
“What about me?” He frowned.
“If we do this, and then I decide I want to move on, will you be able to accept my decision?”
He made a face as if to say that was a no-brainer. “Absolutely. Besides, I’m not going to be in Glacier Creek forever. As soon as I’m fit for duty, I’m heading back to California to rejoin my unit. I’ll probably deploy again, which means I’m not going to be around for long myself.”
Rachel considered him for a long moment. She wasn’t sure she believed him, but suddenly she didn’t care. Jamie made her feel sexy and uninhibited in a way she’d never felt with Deke. Maybe Jamie was just what she needed to restore her confidence.
“I do have one condition,” Jamie said, before she could respond. She watched as he came around the island. Setting one crutch aside, he wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her close, until her breasts flattened against his hard chest. “You are not allowed to talk about our age difference, because it’s a non-issue. Agreed?”
She hadn’t even agreed to his initial proposal, but found herself nodding.
“Agreed,” she breathed.
Dipping his head, he fused his mouth to hers. The kiss was designed to tempt and arouse, and it worked. Within minutes, much to her chagrin, Rachel was arching against him, pushing her fingers through his hair and demanding more. He smiled against her mouth before he dragged his lips along the length of her neck to nuzzle the sensitive spot just beneath her ear.
; She shivered.
Jamie took her earlobe between his teeth and bit down gently. “I told you I had plans for you this morning,” he said, his voice a husky promise in her ear.
Rachel gasped as he lifted the hem of the T-shirt she wore, and pushed her shorts and panties down around her thighs. Then his hand was there, exploring her damp heat until she moaned softly.
Before she realized what he was doing, he’d lifted her onto the island so the cool granite was beneath her bare bottom, and her legs dangled over the edge.
“Jamie! You’re going to hurt yourself,” she managed.
But it wasn’t until he pulled up a chair, and eased himself onto it that Rachel understood his intent.
“Oh, no,” she protested, her heart beginning to slam in her chest. “Not here.”
“Oh, yes,” he said, and slid her shorts and underwear completely off, as he slanted a wicked grin at her. “Here, and anywhere else we like, as often as we like.”
Rachel knew she should jump down. She’d done some crazy things in her life, but sex on her mother’s kitchen counter had never been one of them.
“Ohh…” she moaned in distress, seconds before Jamie’s mouth touched her center. And when he positioned her legs over his shoulders and began to lave her with his hot, talented tongue, her moans turned to something altogether different, and any thought of denying him disappeared completely.
The sun was dipping behind the distant mountains, streaking the western skies with orange and pink, and taking the warm temperature of the day with it. Jamie sprawled in a lounge chair by the pool and watched Rachel as she dozed on the chair beside him. She wore a bikini top and a pair of shorts, and he watched the rise and fall of her smooth chest, recalling how her breasts had heaved with her agitated breathing earlier that morning, in the kitchen.
He’d lied when he’d told her they could have a no-strings-attached relationship. He’d been so worried she might end things right then and there, he would have said anything to persuade her to keep him around. The truth was, he was head over heels in love with her, and he had no intention of letting her go. In the few days they’d spent together, he’d rediscovered all the reasons why he’d been crazy about her. She was smart, funny, and easy to talk to. He’d even had tantalizing glimpses of the brashly confident girl she’d once been. He wanted that girl. She was in there, somewhere.