A Hot Montana Summer Page 16
His voice was cautious. “You sound as if you care.”
Rachel’s heart rate accelerated. She thought her display of jealousy might have been a clue as to how she felt, but now she realized he wasn’t going to let her off that easily. If she really wanted to be with him, she was going to have to let him know in no uncertain terms.
She stroked the pad of her thumb over his lower lip, and then leaned up and pressed a soft kiss against his mouth.
“We belong together,” she murmured against his lips. “You’ve given me the courage to finally stand up for myself and admit what it is I want, and I want you. You’re the bravest, strongest, most decent man I know. I can’t imagine being with anyone else.”
Jamie gave a soft grunt, and although he lifted a hand to frame her jaw with his fingers, he didn’t kiss her back. “You’re going to have to show me,” he breathed against her mouth. “I’ve been out of my mind this past week, thinking about you. You’ve put me through hell, so if you really want me, you need to show me.”
“My parents and Dylan will be here soon,” she reminded him.
“Then you’d better hurry.”
Rachel smiled.
Sliding her arms around his neck, she slanted her mouth over his, reveling in the feel and taste of him. She’d missed this. She’d missed him. And when he gave a groan of surrender and slid his hand to the back of her head, opening his mouth to the sensuous slide of her tongue, she knew she’d won.
The kiss was urgent and hot, and when Jamie cupped her rear and pulled her against his hips, she was left in no doubt he wanted her.
“Not here,” she managed to gasp. “Anyone could walk in on us.”
“I don’t care,” he muttered. “I need to be inside you.”
“The bedroom,” she urged.
Jamie pulled away, and then grabbed his crutch, shoving it under his arm as he took her hand. “This way.”
Rachel followed him through the living room to a short hallway that opened to a guest bedroom and a bathroom.
“In here.” Jamie pulled her into the room, before closing and locking the door. “Come here,” he said roughly, and hauled Rachel against his chest.
“I’ve missed you,” she whispered, just before his mouth claimed hers in a kiss so searing, Rachel actually moaned.
Her hands worked their way beneath the hem of his T-shirt, stroking over the hard, smooth warmth of his stomach and chest. Jamie broke the kiss just long enough to drag the shirt over his head, and then he was completely bare-chested beneath her questing fingers.
Rachel swiftly worked the button on his cargo shorts, and slid the zipper down.
“Take these off,” she urged, and pushed them downward.
Jamie helped her, hooking his thumbs into the waistband of both his boxers and the shorts, and shoving them down to his knees, where he tried to kick them free.
“Here, let me,” Rachel said, and bent to work the clothing over the rigid boot. Without the full cast, she could now see the evidence of the injuries he’d sustained during the building collapse, and his leg was a mass of scars. Her heart swelled with love and anguish for what he’d endured, but also with pride for his courage. She pressed a soft kiss against the angriest of the marks, and then tipped her head back to look up at Jamie. Only that brought her eye-level with his gorgeous, impressive erection, which strained upward.
She couldn’t help herself; he was impossible to resist.
Curling her hand around the thick base, she ran her tongue over him, from bottom to top. He throbbed hotly in her hand, and she drew him into her mouth, smiling as she heard him gasp. He tasted delicious, and she swirled her tongue slickly around the crest, before sucking deeply on him. He groaned loudly, and plunged his fingers into her hair, massaging her scalp as she moved her mouth over him. Reaching beneath his shaft, she cupped him in her hand, teasing him gently as she sucked him harder, deeper. The sounds of pleasure he made caused desire to jack-knife through her, and a warm gush of moisture at her core made her squirm with need.
“Enough,” he said, his voice a harsh rasp. “Or I’m not going to last.”
Rachel released him, and with a last swipe of her tongue over the glistening head, she rose to her feet.
“Your turn,” Jamie said, and drew her shirt over her head, and then reached behind her to unfasten her bra. Rachel let it drop to the floor, and closed her eyes as Jamie bent and took one nipple into his mouth, grazing the hard nub with his teeth, before sucking on it. She clutched at his shoulders, certain she would fall if not for his solid strength. With his free hand, he loosened the drawstring on her linen pants, and immediately pushed his other hand inside to stroke her intimately.
“Oh, God,” he groaned, “you are so wet.”
The touch of his fingers against the most sensitive part of her was almost her undoing, and she nearly came apart right then and there.
“Jamie,” she gasped, and he lifted his head from her breast.
“I can’t wait,” he growled, and turned her so she lay across the bed. He bent and swiftly jerked her shoes and pants off, until she was completely naked.
He came over her, pushing her knees wide, and braced himself on one elbow. Rachel realized they had never made love with him on top, because of his leg. Now he rose over her, and she admired how the muscles in his shoulders and arms bunched and flexed with each movement. He took himself in his hand, and fitted the broad tip against her opening.
“We belong together,” he said, searching her eyes. “Say it.”
Rachel tried to push her hips upward, desperately seeking relief, but he easily held himself away.
“Say it,” he insisted.
He gave her a meaningful look, and then deliberately stroked himself. His breathing quickened. If she didn’t tell him what he needed to hear, he would bring himself to climax and deny her that pleasure.
“We belong together!” she said quickly, her eyes fixed on where his fist curled around his thick length.
“Do you mean it?” he asked.
Rachel raised her gaze to his, and searched his eyes. There was so much love there, but also wariness. He half expected her to disappoint him again.
“We belong together,” she said softly. “You’re everything I’ve ever hoped for in a partner, and we belong together.”
Jamie closed his eyes briefly, and then fitted himself against her and surged forward, stretching and filling her until she cried out with the sheer pleasure of it. She was so aroused, it would take no more than a few strokes to push her over the edge.
Fully seated inside her, Jamie paused with his head pressed against her neck, not moving. Rachel groaned and lifted her hips, seeking the friction she needed.
“Don’t move,” Jamie commanded.
He raised his head to look at her, and she saw the lines of strain on his face, and realized how much effort it took for him not to climax right then.
“Oh, Jamie,” she murmured, and pressed her mouth against his, drawing on his tongue and mating hers slickly with his.
With a deep sound of satisfaction, Jamie withdrew and then plunged into her, again and then again. Rachel bent her knees to bring him even deeper, pressing her heels into his lower back as she welcomed each powerful thrust, until the mounting sensations began to swirl and coalesce at her core.
Jamie made a raw sound of need, and gripped her hip as he pounded into her. Rachel clutched at him, unable to tear her gaze from his, until the mounting pressure finally exploded, and all her muscles contracted inward, squeezing around his rigid length as wave after wave of the most intense pleasure she’d ever known crashed over her.
Jamie gave a harsh cry and at the last instant, pulled out of her. Rachel watched as he emptied himself onto her stomach in thick, pearly streams, and his face contorted in an expression of intense pleasure. Then he eased himself down beside her, curling an arm over her as he nuzzled her neck, his breathing still uneven.
Rachel had never exper
ienced anything so raw or intimate in her life. She turned her head to find Jamie watching her. She was filled with awe that she could have that kind of effect on any man, never mind one like Jamie. Reaching out, she traced a finger along the line of his jaw, feeling the rough stubble against her fingertip.
“I’m in love with you, Jamie Colter.”
For a moment, he just stared at her, and then he rolled onto his back and pressed the heel of his palm against his eyes as he made a sound that was half-groan and half-laugh. When he finally turned to look at her again, Rachel was stunned to see his eyes were moist.
“Do you know how long I’ve waited to hear you say that?”
Rachel rose up on one elbow and tenderly traced the contours of his mouth. “A week, maybe two?” she teased, smiling.
“All my life, babe. Literally, all my life.”
“Well, if you want me, I’m yours,” she said, and bent her head down to kiss him. “Because I know now it’s true. We belong together.”
Chapter Eighteen
They managed to shower and get dressed and return to the kitchen just minutes before Dylan arrived with Rachel’s parents. Jamie wouldn’t have cared if they’d been caught in the act, but Rachel wanted to break the news in her own way, and he was feeling so supremely satisfied with everything in his life right now, he could give her that.
“You didn’t hurt your leg, did you?” Rachel asked, as he opened two bottles of beer and handed one to her.
“Nope. I’ve never felt better,” he assured her, and pulled her in for a long, slow kiss.
“Any nightmares?” she asked, searching his eyes.
“Only ones where you’re not in my life,” he said.
“I’m here, and I’m not leaving.”
“The nightmares are getting less frequent,” he acknowledged. “The doctor says they may never go away completely, but I’m learning to cope.”
“You can always talk to me.”
He tightened his arms around her. “Having you there when I wake up is the best medicine I could ask for.” Releasing her, he cocked his head and listened for a moment. “I think we have company.”
Rachel smiled. “They’re here. I’ll get the salad started. If I know Dylan, he’s probably starving.”
Jamie made his way through the house just as the front door opened, and Diane McCafferty poked her head through. “Hello! Is anyone home?”
“In here, Mom!” Rachel called.
Diane opened the door wider, and Dylan entered the house, sporting two crutches and a brace on his leg that went from his ankle to his thigh. It wasn’t a cast, but it immobilized his leg just as effectively.
“Hey, man,” Jamie said, and couldn’t help from grinning. “Welcome home. Glad to see you up and around.”
Dylan gave Jamie a rueful smile, before reaching out to fist-bump him. “Yeah, well, we make quite a pair. Glad to see you got your cast off. How soon before you head back to your unit?”
Jamie shrugged. “I’m not sure. Right now it’s all up in the air. How about you? What’s your recovery time?”
Dylan shook his head. “I don’t know. The doc says it could be as much as six months, but we’ll see. Hey, I gotta sit down.” He grimaced. “Surprisingly, the stitches in my abdomen bother me more than my knee.”
“They took out your spleen, bro,” Jamie said. “That has to hurt.”
He followed Dylan onto the deck, and they both settled into a chaise and laid their crutches aside. Dylan tipped his head back and closed his eyes.
“Man, it feels good to be home,” he said.
“Yeah, well let’s hope you feel the same in six weeks,” Jamie said. “Trust me, when you reach that point, even a trip to the proctologist sounds fun.”
Dylan cracked an eyelid and grinned. “You’re killing my chi, man.”
“Maybe now is the time we could start our own extreme adventure business,” Jamie said, thoughtfully stroking his chin. “We’ll call it Adventures for the Incapacitated.”
Dylan laughed. “Mountaineering for the Maimed and Mangled.”
“The Out-of-Action Experience.”
“What are you two laughing at?” Rachel said, as she stepped onto the deck and handed them each a beer. Laurel followed her, and Jamie was glad to see Rachel’s earlier animosity had completely vanished.
“Hey, Laurel,” he said. “I’m glad you came over.”
She pushed her glasses up on her nose, and her gaze slid to Dylan, where it lingered. “Yes, I came as soon as I saw Dylan get out of the car. How are you feeling, Dylan?”
He shrugged, seemingly oblivious to the way she devoured him with her eyes. “As well as can be expected. Thanks for taking care of Boomer. You’re the best.”
Laurel flushed with pleasure. “Of course. Any time, you know that.” Abruptly, she turned away and took a hasty sip of the soda she carried.
“So what were you two talking about?” Rachel asked. “I heard something about being out of action?”
Jamie took Rachel’s hand and tugged her down until she was sitting on the chaise with him. “Dylan and I used to talk about starting our own extreme adventure company, so we were deciding what we would call it, considering neither of us can hike a flight of stairs, never mind a mountain. We thought the Out-of-Action Adventures had a nice ring to it.”
Dylan cleared his throat. “So is this thing between you two—” He gestured vaguely toward the two of them with one hand. “Is this official?”
Jamie looked at Rachel, and she gave him a smile that made his toes curl. “Yes,” she said. “It’s the real deal, so get used to it.”
Dylan held his hand up, but his mouth curved in a smile. “Whatever. I know he’s had a thing for you since we were kids, so I’m glad you’ve finally put him out of his misery.”
“I think it’s wonderful,” Laurel said, turning back to them. She looked at Dylan. “I’ve always thought friends-to-lovers romances are the best kind. Don’t you think so?”
Dylan shrugged. “I guess I’ve never thought about it. I can’t think of any friends I’ve wanted to cross that line with.”
Laurel’s face fell and she turned away again, her shoulders hunched. She stood gazing at the scenery, but Jamie was pretty sure she didn’t see any of it. He couldn’t understand how Dylan could be so blind. Didn’t he realize Laurel was completely head over heels for him? Or maybe he did know, and this was his way of deflecting her attention without having to outright reject her.
He cast around for something to say when Rachel’s parents, Diane and John, stepped onto the deck. To his surprise, Rachel leaned back against him and drew his arm around her waist.
Diane’s eyes widened slightly, but Jamie thought he saw a smile touch her mouth.
“We’re together,” Rachel said, looking at each of her parents in turn. “I know this probably comes as a surprise, but we discovered something over the last two weeks. We belong together.”
Diane smiled broadly. “Well, I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t hoped this might happen. I’m very happy, for both of you!”
Rachel’s father cleared his throat, and looked uncomfortable. “You’re both adults. You certainly don’t need our permission, but I will say I’m glad you finally unloaded that worthless piece of crap you called a husband, and found yourself a good man.” Leaning forward, he shook Jamie’s hand. “I guess this means we’ll be seeing more of you, son.”
Dylan snorted. “As if he didn’t practically live at our house growing up.”
Jamie laughed and tightened his arm around Rachel. “See?” he said, looking at her. “I told you it was meant to be.”
The tension went out of Rachel’s body and she gave him a brilliant smile and curled her hand over his. “You were right.” She narrowed her eyes at him. “So what is this about starting your own adventure company?”
Jamie looked over at Dylan. “We’ve always talked about starting our own business, but then we went our separate ways and it never materialized.”
sp; “But if I can’t jump again—” Dylan began.
“And if the Marines won’t let me rejoin my unit,” Jamie said, “then that’s something we could consider doing, instead.”
“Hmm,” Diane mused. “What kinds of adventures would you offer?”
“Well, there’re plenty of options right here in Montana,” Dylan said. “Rock climbing, parasailing, white water rafting, snowboarding, and that sort of thing.”
Rachel considered for a moment. “If you’re really serious, then you should consider going even more extreme.” At their questioning looks, she smiled. “I’d offer scuba diving on the Great Barrier Reef, or heli-skiing in Canada, and mountain biking in the Alps.”
There was a momentary silence as they each considered what she said.
“That sounds great,” Dylan finally replied, “but who would handle the logistics? We’d need hotels, and equipment, and guides, and—” He broke off as Jamie gave him a meaningful look. “Ah. Of course. Rachel could do all of that.”
“I could,” Rachel agreed. “I may not be part of Elite Concierge Services anymore, but I still have connections. I’d love to help you plan some adventures.”
“We’ll need an office, and staff members,” Jamie said. “And all of that requires capital. I have some money set aside we could use, but I doubt it will be enough.”
Rachel shifted to look at him. “I think I can help with that. You see, I have this car I’m trying to sell—”
“Not the Porsche!” Jamie protested.
Rachel laughed. “Yes, the Porsche. You don’t really want me to keep it, do you?”
“Not if it reminds you of Deke in any way,” he grudgingly admitted. “In fact, I kind of like the idea of that bastard’s money underwriting our business venture.”
Rachel laughed. “Then count me in. If it means keeping you here in Glacier Creek, then I’m all for it.”
“This calls for a toast,” Diane said, smiling. She raised her glass of wine, and the others joined in. “To the start of a wonderful partnership—” she looked meaningfully at Rachel and Jamie “—both professionally and personally.”